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Our Services

With over 20 years experience in the specialised field of immigration law, you can’t go wrong.

Let us be part of your journey! 

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Call us at (02) 9008 1168

Mobile: 0452 188 880

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Sydney's Professional Immigration Lawyers


Visa Application 

We can assist you in all categories of Australian visa applications mainly;

  • Working and Skilled Visas;

  • Family and Partner Visas;

  • Business Visas;

  • Studying and Training Visas; and 

  • Other visas      

Visa cancellations

Notice of intention 
To consider Cancellation

Contact us immediately as there is strict timeline that you need to respond.  Our team is experienced in helping our clients look into all the issues surrounding the grounds for visa cancellation. We will assist you to gather of evidence and documents to make submission to the Department. Your written response and evidence will be taken into account by the delegate.

Visa Refusal and AAT Appeal

If you received a refusal of your visa application or cancellation of your visa, you are usually given an opportunity to appeal the Department of Home Affair (‘DOHA’) ’s decision. The appeal will be heard by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’). There is a strict timeline to file the appeal and therefore it is crucial you contact us for assistance as soon as possible.   

Health Waivers

Most visa applicants need to undergo health examination and obtain health clearance before their application can be finalised and be granted the visa.

If you or member of your family have concerns on meeting the health requirements, we may be able to assist you by making a submission to the DOHA seeking health waivers in certain types of visas. It is important that you seek advice before you lodge the visa application so that you are aware of the risks, if any, of not being able to meet the health requirements for the particular visa.      

Australian Citizenship Application

Australian citizenship can be acquired by the following manner:


  • citizenship by conferral


  • citizenship by descent i.e., being born overseas to an Australian parent


  • by descent i.e., being born overseas to an Australian parent


  • citizenship by birth in Australia


  • citizenship by adoption.


Citizenship by conferral is often the most popular pathway for a permanent resident to acquire Australian citizenship.

At the time of application, the applicant must have been:


  • living in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years;


  • a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen for the past 12 months


  • away from Australia for no more than 12 months in total in the past 4 years, including no more than 90 days in total in the past 12 months;


  • and a person of good character

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