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  • 1. Why should I use immigration lawyer?
    There are many advantages to using an immigration lawyer Australian migration law is very complex and you need an expert in the field to help you. Our immigration lawyer has an up to date knowledge on all migration legislation in Australia; explaining which visa options are available to you and recommend a suitable options based on your personal circumstances; providing honest advice and opinion on whether or not your visa application will be successful; advising you on all costs and fees for the visa application, as well as approximate visa processing times; guide you through everything from the skills assessment to IELTS; lodge your application for State/Territory sponsorship (if required); assist you with any migration law queries or complexities that arise with your application; preparing your visa application and supporting documents that comply with the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) requirements (which can make it easier and faster to get a decision from the Department); lodging your visa application, monitor your visa status and communicating with the DIBP on your behalf; and can contact the Department or other organisations to discuss or ask any questions regarding your application. If your visa application is not successful, our team of Immigration Lawyers can apply for Ministerial Intervention (if appropriate), submit an appeal and represent you at the Tribunal hearing.
  • 2. What should I do when I received Notice of Intention to Cancel (NOICC) my visa ?
    Contact us immediately as there is strict timeline that you need to respond. Our team is experienced in helping our clients look into all the issues surrounding the grounds for visa cancellation. We will assist you to gather of evidence and documents to make submission to the Department. Your written response and evidences will be taken into account by the delegate.
  • 3. What should I do if I have my visa refused?
    If your visa is refused, you might be able to have the decision reviewed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). There is strict timeline to apply for AAT review so please contact us ASAP. AAT member reviews decisions “on the merits”. This means that AAT member takes a fresh look at the relevant facts, law and policy and arrive at his own decision. He must make the legally correct decision or, where there can be more than one correct decision, the preferable decision. The member will take account into the submission and extra evident that our lawyer prepared to argue your case and also give you a chance to explain your case in person and then derive to a decision. AAT member has the power to affirm a decision vary a decision set aside a decision and substitute a new decision, or remit a decision to the decision-maker for reconsideration.
  • 4. I have health issues, can I still apply for Australian Visa?"
    Most visa applicants need to undergo health examination and obtain health clearance before that person can be granted the visa. A visa applicant fails the health requirement because their health condition can seek for health waiver. We could assist in applying for health waiver and we also saw many proactive clients contacting us before they even apply for the visa so we could advise them and work out a strategy for them on health issues they encounter.
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